Mining These Hills

Spoleto is nestled comfortably
In the foothills of the Apennines,
A range of mountains consisting
Of three distinct smaller chains
Running the full length of Italy
From the northwest in the Alps
To the southeast at the sea.

Beyond that basic orientation,
I’m still hunting for a data set
To mine. My kingdom for a map,
Topography revealed, of Umbria!
Where tunnels, dug through stone,
Pass between neighbors and home
As if they will go on without end.

Casting a Line in Scheggino

Trout Fishing In America, a popular work I never read in school, is “an abstract book without a clear central storyline” (according to my source).

Beyond the appearance in the title, the phrase is used in various ways (mostly as a point of comic relief from mainstream American culture).

In Scheggino, a near-by commune in the Nera Valley on the other side of the mountain, no fishing lines were cast into the pond.

Yet the roasted trout we feasted on was fine, and the cast of characters assembled to perform almost exceeded nine:

Alessandro, an aptly named Italian classics teacher;
Laurie and Norma, our gracious ex-patriated Anglo hosts;
Eve, the mother of Sarah Jane, the mother of three well-behaved boys

The rest of us, I dare say, did not always follow the rules the boys set down: what else can you expect when Donald Trump, Theresa May, fashion models, murder capitals of the world, the subjunctive, Islamist or Zionist extremism, David Cameron and anti-Semitism–just to name a few of the sources of our perplexity–enter the fray in no particular order.

All the while, even so, the sunshine doggedly held sway over a long and glorious day out in the country.

Romantic Notions

The standing idea of the creative arts
Is twice retailed in a poster photo op:

Once by the damages of time’s translation;
Once through the optics of the iPhone’s lens.

Going Out

After our lunch, there will be time for untold
Visions and revisions before the heavens lift.
Going out, down Corso Garibaldi, for a stroll;
Winding up, as we often do, with these gifts.

Art in the Making

With collage a tradition is well established,
Dating as far back as the invention of paper.
The technique grew when calligraphers in Japan
Began gluing paper to the surface of their poems.

On 6 Sept. 1954, Le Figaro printed the word décollage,
Which was used to describe the ‘take-off crash’ of a plane.
Adapted at a known point to the stage, the use was then
Applied to the advent of our modern towering billboard ad.

Here I switch from verse, because I have left behind my trusted source. Early in our visits to Spoleto, I was drawn to a half-formed and as yet unexpressed idea of “art in the making.” Looking back to my iPad, I should be able to recover from the archive the origin of a photographic interest. The way I recall it, though, the inspiration hit me full force on our first shopping spree in Foligno. Outside the Information Center, on a faded chalk board, what looked like a torn poster stood waiting to be seen. For that reason, if no other, I enter into the rotation the first of this year’s photo crop:

The Reunion Tour, a Second Stop

At first an uncertain look and then a broad
Smile: the syntax of memory and recognition.

Reaching out, with a firm shake and twin kisses,
To traverse the lapse of time with gratitude.

The words, mostly a blur, except for arrivare:
The only one that springs to mind ahead of Reb.

Her turn of phrase delights me most, however:
Dov’è primavera? she jokes about the weather.

When it comes time to order, the tables are turned:
We do it the familial way, apparently, without menus.

An easy test for Rebecca who just loves the ravioli
And who knows the proper order of the salad course.

But talk about unsure looks through a memory blank:
My mixed grill of meats simply would not translate.

Each weekend we return, as we do every year,
This picture will be worth a thousand words.

Concerto al Teatro Nuovo

Don’t know much about the classics that we heard,
But I loved the mix of orchestra and choir.

The Game of Painting

A collection of painted papers: as conceived by Paola Masino
And executed, apparently, by every artist under the Italian sun
With her persistence, it seems, over the course of four decades.