A Standing Answer

Hoofing It to S. Giacomo

On the last leg of the trek: our cappuccini await.
Heading back, the pause unnerves Harley a bit.

Time Passages: A Spoleto Memento

Décollage #xxyy, One of An Endless Supply

A Field Trip

We’ve never tried the local bus before:
only foraged as far as we could walk.

But with the kind guidance of a friend,
we headed off on an entertaining jaunt.

Diligent Design

As I watched the shop owner at work,
the diligence of design was a wonder

to behold. Much the way Aquinas said,
the End in view had to be set with care.

“Style doesn’t go to a pile”?
I must be missing an idiom or a pun. Yet however one resolves the puzzle, I adored the precise arrangement!

The Days Dwindle Down

Exercise: the Italian Way

A Birthday Bash: We All Join In

“Salute!” our hosts toast the celebrants to start:
even including the child with water in her glass.

Umberto, of course, plays the card to the crowd,
adding years of wisdom to a younger man’s pains

Then pretending I am the one seeking his attention,
before he pulls out the masterpiece–a spilled coffee trick.

When the lights go out, I totally miss the intention.
It’s time for candles on a cake, you misguided idiot.

Out comes the del Trivio guitar, and of course we all
sing, though unsure of the words (much less the tune).

Best wishes are made and the cake, once cut, is passed
all around, as everyone makes room for a second dessert.

A Standing Joke

When Umberto greets us at del Trivio,
he always pretends the house is full
unless we have secured a reservation.

Tonight, Rebecca has her comeback ready.
In her best Italian, so carefully practiced,
She returns: “No, but I know the cook.”

Umberto is delighted with the boldness
(and the precise Italian) of her quip.
“Bravo,” he applauds an unexpected aria:

the same word he uses to approve
the Italian way I now relish il ragù
by sopping up the last drop with bread.