The Long Way Around

Too hot, usually, at first; after that, too wet. And all the time, too dark and deep.

Behind Spoleto to the east, the hills of Monteluco climb beyond our reach.

Unless you take the long way round, since the Ponte delle Torri is closed down–
A trip we enjoyed taking this morning, even though it’s quite hard on the feet.

Day Tripping’ Is Well Worth It

The finest of the exhibits we found (from our point of view):

For more of the works of Alessandro Grazi, proceed hitherto.

A Spotless Reputation

You’d think every Fall “Art Festival of Spoleto”
Would list all the exhibits in all the locations
Instead of preserving their spotless reputation
For promoting the chase of art hounds to and fro.

Roamin’ Spoleto

The Duomo

Once every trip I forget that I want
Either the instrument or the talent
To master the art of an iconic shot.
Of all the ones taken, who gets it?

A Sweetheart

I don’t know who this woman is, but for the past thirty some-odd years she’s been photobombing my selfies. Last seen: Cantina de Corvi, digging into dolce.

Returning the Gesture in Kind

Merchants know their clients like the palms of their hands.
Little wonder we surprised the enoteca owner with our plan
To celebrate our anniversary with her best bottle of Amarone.
Once we explained, the owner showered the couple with candy.

Wracked With Guilt

So much less fun,
I keep finding,
To record them
When not moving.