Turning the Corner

What the Lens Did?

More Like An Old Dog Without New Tricks

What This Photographer Won’t Quit Trying

Before iPhone Is Pulled Out, the Subject Moves

Still I never thought to train a lens on the man from Houston,
Whose eight years in Spoleto exceeds our per annum by one.

Nor to frame Umberto chatting up the corner family photo album,
Starting with the war and closing on a generation in decline.

Going back week after week, we could re-stage each scene I suppose.
Looking back, I am left to wonder what a photograph could disclose.

Rebecca’s Prompting Question

“Was that the type of camera Sonia used?”
My follow up: a bit of quick research here:

With the fuzzy remainder of the screen print here:

A link to the work of a dear friend, one Photo League artist, found here.

And the rest of the story, as told by Sonia Handelman Meyer, found here.

Vintage Cameras