A fitting gamble on our last day’s weather.
Rock Around the Rocca
10 Thursday May 2018
Posted Travel
in10 Thursday May 2018
Posted Travel
inA fitting gamble on our last day’s weather.
09 Wednesday May 2018
Posted Travel
inWhen the two collide, the hapless civil servant
Can count on getting looks from the government:
Estimated damage: 500,000 euro and a long time
before these ancient steps will move people again.
08 Tuesday May 2018
Posted Education
inAfter well over two hours, it seems as if
It’s finally decided to thunder no more.
So now the only questions left in store:
Rain to come? Temp. to drop even more?
07 Monday May 2018
Posted Travel
inIn a most jovial mood last night, our host Umberto
a) Jokes about Rebecca’s customary insalata e ravioli;
b) Laughs at me when I know the meaning of his Dove?;
c) Joins us (and the US?) in mocking our President Trump;
d) Makes up the most preposterous story in explanation
of the Italian wedding custom of a “double ceremony”–
the one applying to a civil authority five months before
the other one with religious authority that really counts–
in which our waitress finds herself with two husbands;
e) To which, later, Rebecca hastens to inform Ginevra:
One marito will prove himself to be more than enough.
f) All of the above, and so many more good times.
06 Sunday May 2018
Posted Travel
in05 Saturday May 2018
Posted Food
inRight next to the ex-chiesa, a new chef:
04 Friday May 2018
Posted Art
02 Wednesday May 2018
Posted Travel
inThis is what thunderstorms looks like in Spoleto.
02 Wednesday May 2018
Posted Art
inTo the look and feel of a small, stone-arched peace of mind:
02 Wednesday May 2018
Were there a botanist within me, he would have a clue
As to the genus and species of any rock-defying brute.