Sunrise greets us both: a reminder of the moving day
That lies ahead. Only there will be no moving from bed.
Jet lag brings with it a night of unending restless sleep.
Between the two Bella’s, Terrazza and Due, six steps
At most. Yet the ease with which we can make a mess
In six days will just astound. In the time it takes to carry
It over, breaking news keeps arriving from all over the world.
Time Share from NPR Books: John Ashbery, widely celebrated
And experimental Poet of the 21st Century, is dead at ninety.
After a late lunch, after we’re done, I take the time to read
A moving Obit on a blog from the London Review of Books.
It takes me many places, including to these moving lines:
The metre will be screamingly clear then,
the rhythms unbounced, for though we came
to life as to a school, we must leave it without graduating…