End of the Line

Maybe Thomas Wolfe was right about going home,
or maybe he wasn’t. But we’re as sure as certain
there’s no going back to del Trivio for a curtain
call. So il pronzo instead at the end of the line.

La Taverna del Pescatore: a mighty nice find,
however baffled I was by the way it was lined.

An Opening

A New Gallery

“Art Meeting,” the Italian script says.

A New Dolce

Looks like salami,
Tastes so heavenly!

Still Hanging On

Peaches have been falling out of season
only to tease us both every now and then
with another really surprisingly good one.

Just the other day, at the Friday market,
the lady with la frutta e la verdure garden
sold us a promise of them still hanging on.

All we have left to say: sure glad she did.

A Little Ditty About Felice e Bacchae

Grappa, made from the dregs
of the vine, is a mighty fine
fuel to burn down a sleepy town.
But the best of the best, I guess,
served just past sunset at the oasis

is smoother than the smoothest silk–
or perhaps cloth of some courser ilk–
close enough, at any rate, to partake.
Shaky legs may slip a bit as we wend
our way downhill to their other place,
a friendly haunt (“The Happy Bacchus”).

A Tale of Too Witty

Here I am, practicing my pitiful Italian.
As for Rebecca? She has other designs.